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Team Goal

What is the Goal I see on “My Team”?

That is the amount of money your team is working toward raising.  Also shown is your team’s progress toward reaching that goal.  This is your team goal.  You will also have a personal goal displayed on the “My Donations” tab.  Please note that not all campaigns support team goals.

How is my Team Goal determined?

Based on our experience with prior participants and teams and the anticipated size of your team (if provided by the team captain at team creation) a default team goal is established for each event and that goal is temporarily assigned to your team until your team captain sets your team’s goal.  Please note that not all campaigns support team goals.

Can I change my Team Goal?

If you are a Team Captain you can change your goal by clicking on “Edit Goal”.  Enter the new goal amount and click Save.  Your goal amount cannot be lower than the amount that you have already raised.  Please note that not all campaigns support team goals.

How do I display a specific Team Fundraising Goal on our team page?

First, make sure you have established a goal for your team.  Click “My Team” on the left-side menu, which brings up a page with info on your team.  Toward the top of that page your team’s goal is displayed.  Click “edit goal” if needed to set or change your team’s goal.  Please note that not all campaigns support team goals and team fundraising pages.

Second, make sure to include the team’s goal on the team’s fundraising page.  Click “Fundraiser Pages”/”Team Page” on the left-side menu.  About halfway down the page there’s a “Fundraising Goal” switch.  Click “Show” to display the team’s goal on the page.

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