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Sponsorship Credit/Promise

How are sponsorships credited to my fundraising?

Sponsorship will appear on your Promises list.  They may appear first as promised and then later as received or they may appear as received from the start.  Whether promised or received, sponsorships count toward your fundraising total.  Please note that not all campaigns support promises.

When will a sponsorship promise be created?

A sponsorship promise will be created when an individual/institution selects to purchase a sponsorship opportunity online and anytime sponsorship funds are received and a promise was not created earlier.  Please note that not all campaigns support promises.

What happens when the promised sponsorship funds are received?

All sponsorships received are processed as new donations and can be viewed on the Donations tab of your Fundraising Tools and on your fundraising webpage. The new donation will update the sponsorship promise to show that it has been received.  Please note that not all campaigns support promises.

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