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Company Matching Gifts

How matching gifts work and how they are received.

  • About Matching Gifts

    A matching gift is a charitable donation by a corporation that matches an employee’s donation to an eligible nonprofit organization, most often dollar for dollar. Thousands of companies across the Uni...

  • Address for Matching Gifts

    The National LLS Office: The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Mail Center 1201 15th Street N.W., Suite 410 Washington, D.C. 20005 If they don’t see the National Office listed, search by our EIN: 13-5644916...

  • Donations Eligible for a Matching Gift

    Can a matching gift be submitted for registration fees/sponsorships/ticket sales/auction items? No, per IRS Guidelines the donations listed above are not eligible for matching gifts....

  • Company Eligibility for Matching Gifts

    How can I find out if a company offer matching gifts? You can search for a company’s matching gift information here. Simply type in the name of the company and choose the correct auto-fill suggestion....

  • Matching Gift Credit/Promise

    How are matching gifts credited to my fundraising? After a donor submits a matching gift request, the company will contact LLS to confirm that the original donation was made. Once LLS verifies the req...