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Managing Donations

Accepting donations, donation list and details and donation troubleshooting.

  • Accepting a Donation

    If you are using a desktop or laptop you can accept credit card donations.  If you are using a mobile device with a camera you can accept credit card and check donations. You can either click “Accept ...

  • Check Donations Troubleshooting

    I accidentally uploaded the same check twice. What should I do? The mobile app processing has a number of checkpoints that checks pass through.  If a check is submitted more than once, it will be flag...

  • Donation Details and List

    To see additional details on each donation, click on the plus sign in the rightmost column will show additional details. You can export the contents of your donation list by clicking on “Export” butto...

  • Donation Troubleshooting

    It is possible that some offline donations have not yet been received or processed. Check with your local chapter staff person for specific questions on this....

  • Offline Donations

    Offline donations are donations not made via credit card on your fundraising page and donations not submitted via this app. They usually are in the form of checks or cash that you submit. How long doe...